Aug 23, 2016
Introducing newly cut Redux episodes of FYC! To fill in the hiatus weeks where we have no original content we've decided to reissue older episodes from the FYC catalogue with some cosmetic improvements. This week we give the 1942 Humphrey Bogart film, Casablanca, the Redux treatment which was previously broadcast on...
Aug 14, 2016
Welcome back FYC listeners for another great episode of your favourite film commentary podcast. On this week's show, Mike and Dustin sit down to watch and discuss the 1975 Spielberg film that made people terrified to go in the water, Jaws! Give the audio a listen to see what our esteemed hosts think of the shark movie...
Aug 2, 2016
This week sees the release of a brand new episode of All Things Considered, the open review show where we cover anything and everything on the cinema landscape. For this episode Mike and Dustin discuss and review Warner Bros. pulp revival, The Legend of Tarzan (2016), Adrian Lyne's psychological thriller, Jacob's Ladder...